Great update. Night time on the game is too dark. But its good. Great physics even on hard mode.
Pls remove the bug in campaign 2 where you will destroy a rail yard in hanoi. Rail yard does not appear. Only AAAs appear.
Pls add the following:
Ubon,RTAB in thailand
Phuc Yen airfield in Nvietnam
F-8 crusader
A-7 corsair II
A-6 intruder
F-105 G
F-4E/J/G variants
MiG-21 F13
And other planes used in vietnam war
Pls add Operations Linebacker and Linebacker II
Add also the napalm bombs and the AC-47 and AC-130.
One last thing, pls have more armaments on the AH-1 and UH-1B. Add the TOW missile in the AH-1. And a grenade launcher for the UH-1B and AH-1. Instead of 4 M60 MGs on the UH-1 B add M-134 instead.
Armored Ace about Gunship III - Combat Flight Simulator